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Adres 2
* Ik ga akkoord met de algemene voorwaarden van Huggies en het privacybeleid en de financiële tegemoetkomingen van Kimberly-Clark.
Ben je jonger dan 13 jaar? Laat dan een ouder of wettelijke voogd je vraag of opmerking aan ons voorleggen. We kunnen niet reageren op verzoeken van personen jonger dan 13 jaar.
Kimberly-Clark and our brands are working to create long term social impact that improves the lives of people in need through initiatives focused on improving access to sanitation, helping children thrive and empowering women and girls. Our global programs such as Toilets Change Lives and No Baby Unhugged, along with numerous other country and regional programs, are focused on improving the well-being of millions of people in need. Due to our commitments to these global programs, we cannot support individual requests. If you need help getting essential products for yourself or someone you care about, please contact the National Diaper Bank Network or the Alliance for Period Supplies. We’re proud to support these organizations as founding sponsors, and directly donate your interest in Kimberly-Clark and our products.
Kimberly-Clark is eager to receive your comments and answer your questions about our products and our company. However, we are not seeking, nor can we accept, unsolicited ideas, suggestions or materials relating to the development, design, manufacture or marketing of our products. By adhering to this policy, we hope to avoid subsequent misunderstandings among members of the public who submit comments or ideas relating to products or concepts developed by Kimberly-Clark's employees. We appreciate your interest in Kimberly-Clark.

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